
One Message.

330 Million
People Reached.




Do the work of the Evangelist.

Evangelist Nick Hall preaching


Nick Hall is an Evangelist and the Founder and President of Pulse Evangelism. He is the author of Reset and serves as the CEO of The Table Coalition.

A message from Evangelist Nick Hall

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Grace changes everything

As the world becomes increasingly divided, I believe the message of amazing grace has never been needed more.

We all look for meaning. We all mess up. We all need grace. The world says the answer to life’s problems can be found in culture, relationships, status, money, or based on the latest trend. It is only when we experience the life-transforming grace of God, that we find the answer is Jesus. Everyone is looking for hope, but few know where to find it. The Church is God’s voice and solution in a graceless world, and silence is not an option.

Join me in extending the invitation of saving grace to the world.

It’s grace that saves us, grace that keeps us, and grace that will carry us home.

join our prayer TEAM

Evangelist Nick Hall Anthem

Join our virtual prayer team to stay updated on prayer points each month, get insight into events near you and to receive a FREE pack of conversation cards to help equip you to share the grace of God with others.

Join our prayer team

Prayer Team for Nick Hall

Jan 17-19: Pulse 100 Winter Retreat - Asheville, NC    Jan 28: South Florida Fair - West Palm Beach, FL   


The Gospel belongs everywhere.
Here’s where Nick and Pulse Evangelism are being sent:

January 17-19

Pulse 100 Winter Retreat
Asheville, NC

Evangelist Nick Hall preaching
Evangelist Nick Hall praying

Reach the lost.
Unleash the evangelist.



We’re building a home
for the evangelist.

We’re building a home
for the evangelist.

The Hub for Evangelism

Pulse Evangelism, and Nick Hall, exist for two reasons: to share the Good News of Jesus with as many people as possible, and to equip others to do the same. By reaching the lost and equipping the evangelist, Jesus is made known. To forward this mission, we are building a training and housing center which will empower, train, and send out a new generation of evangelists.


Merch with a Mission.

Check out the latest drops!

Read more about Nick and the message he’s shared with millions in his book, Reset: Jesus Changes Everything. This book is an invitation to the fresh start Jesus offers us all. Reset is the message that inspired the Together Generation, leading to some of the largest Jesus gatherings in American history.
“In every generation God raises up voices that speak with boldness and clarity the freedom found only in Jesus. Nick Hall is one of those voices…”
—Banning Liebscher

Founder and pastor of Jesus Culture and author of Rooted: The Hidden Places Where God develops You
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“I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Nick Hall on a personal level, and he is passionately committed to sharing the hope of the Gospel with as many people as possible. It’s my hope that many folks will come alongside Nick and Pulse Evangelism as they carry out their vital mission."
—Jim Daly

President – Focus on the Family
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"Our team believes God will continue to use Nick to reach this generation. Whether you are a pastor, lay member, or college leader, we encourage you to partner with his exciting ministry."
—Luis Palau

International Evangelist
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"Who you are is determined by how you pray. Nick has prayed big prayers and seen God answer in big ways. His story will give you the faith to truly believe Jesus changes everything."
—Mark Batterson

New York Times best selling author of The Circle Maker, Lead Pastor of National Community Church
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"Nick is always seeking wisdom in whatever he's sharing with you. When he walks on the platform and he starts sharing the Gospel, it's so clear. As a musician, you love to be able to walk out and play your songs and know that somebody is going to responsibly handle the presentation of the Gospel, and Nick does it with passion."

Grammy Award-Winning Artist
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"To give someone Jesus is to give them everything they will ever need. Nick is giving people Jesus."
—Steve Douglass

Former President of
Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ
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"I've been so impressed and inspired by Nick's heart. One of the things that I love that Nick shares is reminding every person that it's not about where they've been, it's about where God wants to take them. God has gifted Nick to speak to young people and draw people closer to Jesus."
—Matthew West

Dove Award-Winning Artist
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"In over twenty years of work in both the music industry and Christian ministry, I have not met a more effective communicator than Nick Hall. His passion for evangelism and ability to connect with a young audience is unparalleled. Nick effectively communicates the Gospel, whether as an emcee for a massive outdoor youth festival, a small banquet of pastors, or as a teacher at a weekend long training event for teenagers. We have had great success with Nick in each of these environments, and I encourage you to look at what he is doing with Pulse."
—J.W. Clarke

Director of Program, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
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Check out Nick on the ReFocus Podcast